A Concept Is Born

MAYDAY. An investment in flight safety and interactive training.

The story behind the MAYDAY Active Learning Tools is a story of adversity and tenacity
- and believing in a new approach to classroom-led aviation training.

As a training manager, I have always strived to give my students something extra. Raising the bar, so to speak. For me, aviation training has never been about knowledge checks or a tick in the box. For me, bringing something of value into the training is stimulating and motivating.

I have practiced and facilitated Crew Resource Management and Human Factors Training for more than 15 years. Making sure that everything I teach complies with regulations from EASA, FAA, and ICAO. Aviation is a heavily regulated field, and pilots, cabin crew, and maintenance staff must keep up through regular training courses. But I have always felt it was quite challenging to maintain and develop an acceptable knowledge level within the current training options. So how could I rethink the field of aviation training?

Three years ago, a sick bat put a temporary end to my teaching. Covid came, and we all had to stay home – with nothing else to do but try to keep our personal lives and businesses afloat. Personally, I worried that it could potentially take years for things to return to normal. If ever. But instead of wallowing in self-pity, I rolled up my sleeves and started to see my own experience in a new light. This process gave rise to the conception of MAYDAY.

Training – the MAYDAY way – means that participants interact and make decisions to solve the challenges at hand. The scenario-based learning structure essentially means that they can learn from their mistakes without facing the consequences. An approach called Active Learning. I ask questions, give tasks, and open for discussions. In turn, my students get a good group dynamic, enhanced skills, and valuable feedback.

Prior to my career in aviation training, I practiced as a cabin crew member for 10 years, before I operated as a pilot for almost 10 years. Jobs which provided me with a good understanding of the dynamics that play out onboard an airplane. Good and bad. From this experience, I also learned the importance of good teamwork. A non-technical skill which is trained through MAYDAY alongside communication, decision-making, situational awareness, and leadership.

For me, the pandemic became the stepping-stone for rethinking aviation training. We must involve participants in the learning process rather than just engage in knowledge checks.

That is what makes MAYDAY a unique training solution.

- Søren Seindal Agner, CEO

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