Welcome to Our World of
Interactive Aviation Training

Dive into our EASA and FAA compliant training courses aimed at pilots, crew, maintenance, ground staff, instructors, and management. The training incorporates a highly interactive approach to learning with the purpose of promoting safer and more efficient operations.

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Interactive Aviation Training

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Part-145 Training for Maintenance Organisations

Practical training of maintenance staff is crucial to ensuring flight safety and developing or maintaining a strong safety culture in the operational environment. We provide the following Part-145 training courses which cover theoretical and practical training requirements mandated by EASA.

Safety management processes are essential in aviation. However, it has become increasingly clear that the policies, processes, and procedures implemented by a company can never solely ensure a safe operating environment. We must always consider the human element. Learning about human factors enables staff to optimise human performance and reduce the impact of human error.

Our training covers the topics as outlined in EASA Part-145.A.30 (e), AMC, and GM requirements. 

The training touches upon the principles of a Safety Management System and the impact human factors have on safety. What are human factors? Why and how do they affect safety? What can we do to mitigate the consequences?

We offer the following Human Factors training courses for maintenance staff:

  • Initial Human Factors Training (2-day course)
  • Recurrent Human Factors Training

Please contact us for price information.

Want information about our initial human factors training? Click here.

Want information about our recurrent human factors training? Click here.

Safety Training of Human Factors, Fuel Tank Safety, and EWIS requires many resources. So why not combine the three required fields into one training session? Our Combined HF, EWIS, and FTS 1-day course is a cost-effective way to ensure that maintenance staff operates in compliance with training requirements.

Our training complies with Part-145.A.30 (e), associated AMC Appendix IV to AMC 145.A.30 (e), and AMC 20-22 as well as FTS level 1+2 regulations and EWIS Module A-F.

Please contact us for price information.

Click here to download additional course information.

Combine with EWIS A-F & Human Factors to save time and enhance staff motivation.

Fuel Tank Safety (FTS) constitutes an important maintenance area since errors in the design, components, or structure may cause severe or even fatal incidents. In other words, a strong FTS awareness is crucial to flight safety.

Our initial and recurrent FTS training enhances knowledge of potential issues and hazards which may cause accidents in the operational environment.

Your maintenance staff become aware of the reasons for introducing FTS as a discipline, and they will gain an insight into the problems which may occur when performing maintenance on fuel tank systems. They also achieve an understanding of how and where to obtain and use maintenance data relevant for work on FTS systems.

Our training complies with Part-145 AMC3 145.A.30 (e) and Appendix IV to AMC 145.A.30 (e).

We offer the following FTS courses:

  • Initial Fuel Tank Safety
  • Recurrent Fuel Tank Safety

We also combine initial training of EWIS Module A-F and Fuel Tank Safety into a 1-day course.

Please contact us for price information.

Combine with Fuel Tank Safety and Human Factors to save time and enhance staff motivation.

History and previous accidents have demonstrated that electrical wiring must be considered an important aircraft system. Therefore, more focus must be assigned to EWIS maintenance.

Our initial EWIS Module A-F training raises awareness of the reasons for introducing EWIS as a concept. Participants will gain an understanding of common problems they may encounter when working on these systems. This includes how and where to obtain and use maintenance data relevant for work performed on EWIS.

We offer the following EWIS Module A-F training which complies with Part-145 AMC4 145.A.30 (e) and AMC 20-22:

  • Initial EWIS Module A-F
  • Recurrent EWIS Module A-F

Please note that EWIS Module G - Practical Training is a separate training course and thus not included here.

We also combine initial training of EWIS Module A-F and Fuel Tank Safety into a 1-day course. 

Please contact us for price information.

EWIS constitutes the lifeline on a plane. If a line is broken, the whole system can potentially collapse.

Our EWIS Module G - Practical Training lays the groundwork for safe and efficient maintenance, alteration, and repair of EWIS in aircraft. The practical dimension enables demonstrations of the proper use of tools when performing repair as well as replacement of connective devices.

We provide initial and recurrent practical training of EWIS Module G – so technicians and mechanical staff performing assemblies and repairs on the system have acquired or maintained the necessary skills to do so.

Our EWIS Module G Training (1-day course) offers hands-on practical training which emphasises the proper use of tools when performing repair as well as replacement of connective devices.

Our EWIS Module G Practical Training covers the requirements set forth in EASA Part-145 AMC 20-22 and 145.A.30 and 145.A.35.

Please contact us for price information.

Click here to download additional course information.

Lack of past problems does not guarantee a safe future! But implementing a Safety Management System into your organisational culture certainly helps. SMS is about identifying bad procedures, hazards, risks, and insufficient barriers. Being aware of the potential dangers in your organisation allows you to make informed decisions to either accept them or do something actively to address the situation.

Did you know that EASA has established a mandatory requirement for Part-145 maintenance organisations and Part-21G production organisations to implement a Safety Management System (SMS) to handle all safety-related activities?

Our introductory SMS training for managers in Part-145 and Part-21 organisations provides the fundamental knowledge to design and implement a safety management system tailored to your needs. Applying a new safety mindset contributes to a strong safety culture in all layers of your organisation.

The requirements entered into force in 2022, and the deadline for compliance expires on December 2, 2024.

We offer SMS Introductory courses that touch upon SMS as a field, the regulations, and its scope.

We have courses aimed at management and all staff working in the organisation.

Please contact us for price information.

Click here to download additional course information.

Foreign Object Damage/Debris (FOD) can cause severe and fatal accidents due to the undetected impact it can have on the aircraft. FOD can originate from many different sources, especially human error. Normal daily operations will produce a lot of debris with the potential of causing damage to aircraft systems. Regardless of cause - and from a safety perspective - FOD is unacceptable in the work environment.

Our FOD training provides an insight into the area of FOD and touches upon the following questions: What is FOD? Why is awareness of FOD important? How can your staff prevent FOD in the operational environment? And how can your organisation support this?

We offer the following FOD courses:

  • Initial Foreign Object Damage Training
  • Recurrent Foreign Object Damage Training

Please contact us for price information.

Receiving Inspection training was conceived by the FAA to ensure that aircraft parts and other material are traceable and manufactured to an acceptable level of airworthiness in accordance with regulations and standards.

Receiving Inspection has since become a mandatory requirement to ensure that only approved items enter your workshop. Personnel in charge of performing receiving inspections must be aware what the given part is for. The part can be approved for one type of installation or repair, but unapproved for another.

We offer Receiving Inspection Training which can preferably be combined with our Suspected Unapproved Parts (SUP) training.

Please contact us for price information.

The airworthiness of an aircraft determines whether it is suitable for safe flight. Airworthiness may be compromised, and lives put at risk, if a mechanic installs 'bad parts' in a plane. Such parts are known as 'Suspected Unapproved Parts' (SUP). The SUP programmes are driven by EASA and the FAA and should be included in a receiving inspection. The main idea behind the training is to prevent and purge. Our training will show you what to look for and how to keep updated.

We offer Suspected Unapproved Parts Training which equips maintenance staff with the knowledge to identify and handle SUPs. This training can preferably be combined with our Receiving Inspection training.

Please contact us for price information.

Electrostatic Sensitive Devices (ESDs) are highly susceptible to damage. Most commonly, damage is caused by human contact.

Our training course touches upon the following questions: What are ESDs? Why is it important to enhance awareness of these devices? How should you handle ESDs within your organisation? What can you do to prevent damages to ESDs?

We offer the following ESD training courses:

  • Initial Electrostatic Sensitive Devices
  • Recurrent Electrostatic Sensitive Devices

Please contact us for price information.

Aircraft technicians have many different jobs to complete when performing maintenance. One of them is working on detached aircraft components. For this job, a certain knowledge of component maintenance is required to identify the tasks that must be performed for a given component. Everything must be done according to regulations.

Our Component Maintenance courses are aimed at Component Certifying Staff not qualified in accordance with Annex III. Our training also applies where the qualifications are determined by company procedures and under the approval of the local Competent Authority.

The training is based on EASA Part-66 Module 10 and is conducted in compliance with the requirements of Basic Regulation 1321/2014 (amended) Articles 5, (6) (ii), IR 145.A.30 (i), IR 66 Appendix I, and the Danish Transport, Building and Housing Authority.

However, the content and duration vary depending on the type of components. The training will be tailored to fit your needs. We offer training which covers both the initial staff training standard and the specific component maintenance requirements.

Please contact us for more information regarding content, duration, and price.

Operational Training for Crew

Operational training is crucial to ensuring a safe aviation industry. When we ask flight crew or cabin crew to participate in operational training, we give them a hands-on learning experience which develops, improves, or maintains existing skills and knowledge used in the operational environment. In other words, we make sure that they can actually think and act according to operational standards.

Our operational training of crew covers a variety of topics in compliance with EASA and FAA regulations. Most importantly, the raining connects theory with practice to enhance flight safety, train non-technical skills, and limit the risk of human errors.

Where humans work, errors inevitably occur. But in aviation, those errors can turn fatal.

The purpose of CRM training is to achieve safe and efficient operations by developing a mindset for understanding and handling human errors. CRM training cannot eliminate human errors, but you can learn how to handle situations more efficiently in the operational environment.

Crew Resource Management training enhances the understanding of human errors in terms of occurrence, prevention, and risk factors. In other words, CRM training is crucial to ensure a safe and efficient operation. Our interactive CRM training emphasises and facilitates the enhancement, coherence, and assessment of non-technical Knowledge, Skills & Attitudes of flight and cabin crew.

We offer the following CRM courses for cabin crew:

  • CRM Initial Training
  • CRM Recurrent Training
  • CRM Single Cabin Crew Course
  • CRM Introductory Course for Cabin Crew
  • CRM Senior Cabin Crew Course

Please contact us for price information.

Where humans work, errors inevitably occur. But in aviation, those errors can turn fatal.

The purpose of CRM training is to achieve safe and efficient operations by developing a mindset for understanding and handling human errors. CRM training cannot eliminate human errors, but you can learn how to handle situations more efficiently in the operational environment.

Crew Resource Management training enhances the understanding of human errors in terms of occurrence, prevention, and risk factors. In other words, CRM training is crucial to ensure a safe and efficient operation. Our interactive CRM training emphasises and facilitates the enhancement, coherence, and assessment of non-technical Knowledge, Skills & Attitudes of flight and cabin crew.

We offer the following CRM courses for pilots:

  • CRM Initial Training
  • CRM Recurrent Training
  • CRM Single Pilot Course
  • CRM Command Course
  • CRM Operator Conversion Course

Please contact us for price information.

Where humans work, errors inevitably occur. But in aviation, those errors can turn fatal.

We offer Initial and Recurrent CRM Training for helicopter flight crew and technical crew for Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS), Search & Rescue (SAR), and Off-Shore Operations to ensure a safe and efficient operation.

Please contact us for price information.

Where humans work, errors inevitably occur. But in aviation, those errors can turn fatal. We provide joint CRM Training for pilots and cabin crew to ensure a safe and efficient operation.

By training together, pilots and crew enhance their knowledge and understanding of working in a multi-crew environment. This approach to training improves teamwork, situational awareness, leadership skills, communication, and decision-making skills of the entire crew.

We offer the following joint training courses:

  • CRM Initial for pilots & cabin crew
  • CRM Recurrent for pilots & cabin crew

Please contact us for price information.

Did you know that Dangerous Goods (DGR) training is required for all operators – regardless of approval to transport DGR as cargo? Safe transport of dangerous goods remains an important aspect of air travel.

Our Dangerous Goods training incorporates Competency-Based Training and Assessment (CBTA) to train various job functions within the aviation environment to identify potential hazards and handle dangerous goods. This approach to training ensures that personnel are competent in functions relating to the safe transport of dangerous goods by air.

The training has been approved by the Danish Civil Aviation and Railway Authorities and complies with current regulations.

We provide CBTA Dangerous Goods training for flight and cabin crew members. The training includes the required assessment of competencies.

We offer DGR training courses for:

  • Initial Dangerous Goods Training
  • Recurrent Dangerous Goods Training

Please note that the courses comply with IATA DGR 1.5 and Appendix H.

Please contact us for price information.

Fatigue is a human condition – and aviation is not exempt from fatigued employees.

We live in a world where we are ‘online’ 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. That is bound to cause fatigue. Being tired or exhausted may seem insignificant in the moment. The problem in aviation lies in the fact that fatigued pilots and cabin crew have a greater risk of making fatal human errors.

Our FRM training deals with fatigue from an aviation perspective. What are the signs of fatigue? Why does it occur? What can you do to prevent it – and how can you limit the potential for fatigue-induced human errors?

We offer the following FRS courses aimed at pilots and cabin crew:

  • Initial Fatigue Risk Management Training
  • Recurrent Fatigue Risk Management Training

Ref: AMC1 ORO.FTL.250

Please contact us for price information.

It is crucial to flight safety that all crew have a strong knowledge of Standard Operating Procedures as well as emergency procedures. Especially cabin crew may have a need for additional training to accommodate the safety onboard.

Our Safety and Emergency Procedures (SEP) Training helps cabin crew members enhance their knowledge of safety, SOP’s, locations onboard the plane, and emergency procedures. The training also assesses their performance in relation to knowledge, skills, and attitudes displayed during the training.

We offer SEP training for the following aircraft types:

  • A319
  • A320
  • ATR 72-500

The training session has a duration of 1 day.

Please contact us for price information.

We offer the following operational training courses aimed at crew:

  • Performance Based Navigation
  • ETOPS Course
  • RVSM Course
  • MNPS Course
  • Cost Index & Fuel Saving
  • Flight Planning

Please contact us for more information regarding content, duration, and price.

We offer the following operational training courses aimed at flight crew members:

  • Performance Based Navigation - A theoretical course in accordance with:
    • FCL 615 of Annex I (Part-FCL)
    • FCL 062 07 00 00 PBN incl. brush up on FCL 062 06 00 00
  • Class A Performance Training
  • Flight Management System (FMS) Pilot Training
  • ETOPS Course
  • MNPS Course
  • RVSM Course
  • Cost Index & Fuel Planning
  • Flight Planning

Please contact us for more information regarding content, duration, and price.

Management Training

Managers in aviation have a responsibility to display good leadership skills and professional business knowledge that can ensure flight safety and reduce the risk of human errors throughout the entire organisation. Our management training provides the necessary knowledge and skills to promote safety and establish and maintain a strong safety system.

How does your organisation manage safety risks and ensure efficient safety procedures and risk evaluations as part of your quality system?

A Safety Management System (SMS) is about identifying bad procedures, hazards, risks, and insufficient barriers. Being aware of the potential dangers in your organisation allows you to make informed decisions to either accept them or do something actively to address the situation. 

EASA has mandated a requirement for Part-145 maintenance organisations as well as Part-21G production organisations to implement a Safety Management System (SMS) as part of their quality system. The requirements are already in effect, and the deadline for compliance expires on December 2, 2024.

Our SMS Training is aimed at managers and key personnel working with or about to work with the design, implementation, and operation of SMS in a Part-145 and Part-21G environment. Applying a new safety mindset contributes to a strong safety culture in all layers of your organisation

We offer the following SMS courses:

  • Initial SMS for Management
  • Recurrent SMS for Management

Our training complies with EASA 145.A.200 and 145.A.205 which reflect the standards of ICAO Appendix 2 to Annex 19.

Please contact us for price information.

Click here to download additional course information.

All aviation professionals must adopt a mindset of safety and compliance according to defined standards. Compliance monitoring, or conducting audits, is the process of determining whether standards are followed. This job is assigned to auditors.

Being an auditor requires intricate knowledge of standards and regulations for products, services, and processes. But one thing is doing the job. Another thing is knowing why it is important to conduct quality control and ensure conformity to regulations.

Our auditor training enables auditors to work with objective evidence through observations and interviews, particularly in the areas of SMS, quality control, and the supply chain relations.

The training supports EASA regulations for air operations as well as initial and continuing Airworthiness which require a person to monitor compliance within the management system. 

In addition, several standards such as ISO and AS have requirements for performing value adding audits.

Please contact us for price information.

Click here to download additional course information.

Nominated Persons take on the role of manager and supervisor in one or more assigned areas of responsibility. Therefore, it is crucial that nominated personnel knows and can enforce the different rules and regulations the job demands. The course focuses on the responsibility of being a Nominated Person according to EASA standards.

Our Nominated Persons course revolves around the proactive search and review of legislation relevant to the area of responsibility, including familiarity with the responsibility that comes with initial and recurring airworthiness.

The aim is to obtain general knowledge of safety activities and objectives to get the proper approval from national authorities to function as a Nominated Person – and designated deputies within EASA’s Continuing Airworthiness. Accountable Managers will benefit from the training as well.

The following EASA regulations specify the requirements for Accountable Managers & Nominated Persons:

  • EASA M.A. 706
  • EASA Part-145.A.30
  • EASA Part-147.A.105

Please contact us for price information.

Click here to download additional course information.

Regulations and standards from ICAO, EASA, and the FAA form the basis of everything we do in aviation. In short terms: Everything and everyone must be compliant.

Having intricate knowledge about the content and implications of these regulations enables staff to navigate efficiently and ensures proper implementation in a cost-effective manner.

Our competency-based Regulation Training is aimed at personnel working with or preparing to work within Part-145, Part-66, or Part-147 as Nominated Persons, designated deputies within airworthiness, or the like. Accountable Managers, Quality Managers, and auditors may benefit from the training as well.

Our regulation training courses enable participants to:

  • Navigate in the relevant Part-145 regulations and apply the appropriate regulations for the specific type of work and situation
  • Keep up-to-date with proposed regulatory changes
  • Apply working knowledge about the content of Part-145 regulations

The courses comply with EASA Part-145.A.30 which states that personnel functioning as Nominated Persons must demonstrate working knowledge of Part-145 regulations.

Please contact us for price information.

Click here to download additional course information.

Focus on security within aviation has increased over the years. The prevalence of terror threats and security breaches has made security a concern for everyone in the industry, affecting virtually all areas of operation. Whether you work with passengers, cargo, customers, maintenance, or at a security checkpoint, you have a key role in keeping the industry safe.

Our Security Manager Training raises awareness of security and provides the knowledge necessary to attend the mandatory Security Seminar held by the Danish Civil Aviation and Railway Authority. The training introduces security measures and regulations that are crucial to know in order to work responsibly with security. Our objective is to enable you to apply best practice into your workplace – and identify, address, and prevent potential security threats.

The training complies with the Danish National Aviation Safety Programme (NASP) session 13.1 which describes basic training requirements for Security Managers, deputies, and personnel with assigned security responsibilities.

Please note that our NASP 13.1 basic course is a prerequisite to attend the Security Seminar held by the Danish Civil Aviation and Railway Authority (Trafikstyrelsen).

Please contact us for price information.

Click here to download additional course information.

Part-21G Training for Production Organisations

Practical training of production staff is crucial to ensuring safe operations and developing or maintaining a strong safety culture in the operational environment. We provide the following Part-21G training courses which cover theoretical and practical training requirements mandated by EASA.

Safety Training of Human Factors, Fuel Tank Safety, and EWIS requires many resources. So why not combine the three required fields into one training session? Our Combined HF, EWIS, and FTS 1-day course is a cost-effective way to ensure that maintenance staff operates in compliance with training requirements.

Our training complies with Part-145.A.30 (e), associated AMC Appendix IV to AMC 145.A.30 (e), and AMC 20-22 as well as FTS level 1+2 regulations and EWIS Module A-F.

Please contact us for price information.

Click here to download additional course information.

EWIS constitutes the lifeline on a plane. If a line is broken, the whole system can potentially collapse.

Our EWIS Module G - Practical Training lays the groundwork for safe and efficient maintenance, alteration, and repair of EWIS in aircraft. The practical dimension enables demonstrations of the proper use of tools when performing repair as well as replacement of connective devices.

We provide initial and recurrent practical training of EWIS Module G – so technicians and mechanical staff performing assemblies and repairs on the system have acquired or maintained the necessary skills to do so.

Our EWIS Module G Training (1-day course) offers hands-on practical training which emphasises the proper use of tools when performing repair as well as replacement of connective devices.

Our EWIS Module G Practical Training covers the requirements set forth in EASA Part-145 AMC 20-22 and 145.A.30 and 145.A.35.

Please contact us for price information.

Click here to download additional course information.

Did you know that EASA has mandated a requirement for Part-145 maintenance organisations and Part-21G production organisations to implement a Safety Management System (SMS) to handle all safety-related activities? The requirements have entered into force, and the deadline for compliance expires on December 2, 2024.

We offer SMS Introductory courses that touch upon SMS as a field, the regulations, and its scope.

We have courses aimed at management and all staff working in the organisation.

Please contact us for price information.

Click here to download additional course information.

Foreign Object Damage/Debris (FOD) can cause severe and fatal accidents due to the undetected impact it can have on the aircraft. FOD can originate from many different sources, especially human error. Normal daily operations will produce a lot of debris with the potential of causing damage to aircraft systems. Regardless of cause - and from a safety perspective - FOD is unacceptable in the work environment.

Our FOD training provides an insight into the area of FOD and touches upon the following questions: What is FOD? Why is awareness of FOD important? How can your staff prevent FOD in the operational environment? And how can your organisation support this?

We offer the following FOD courses:

  • Initial Foreign Object Damage Training
  • Recurrent Foreign Object Damage Training

Please contact us for price information.

Receiving Inspection training was conceived by the FAA to ensure that aircraft parts and other material are traceable and manufactured to an acceptable level of airworthiness in accordance with regulations and standards.

Receiving Inspection has since become a mandatory requirement to ensure that only approved items enter your workshop. Personnel in charge of performing receiving inspections must be aware what the given part is for. The part can be approved for one type of installation or repair, but unapproved for another.

We offer Receiving Inspection Training which can preferably be combined with our Suspected Unapproved Parts (SUP) training.

Please contact us for price information.

The airworthiness of an aircraft determines whether it is suitable for safe flight. Airworthiness may be compromised, and lives put at risk, if a mechanic installs 'bad parts' in a plane. Such parts are known as 'Suspected Unapproved Parts' (SUP). The SUP programmes are driven by EASA and the FAA and should be included in a receiving inspection. The main idea behind the training is to prevent and purge. Our training will show you what to look for and how to keep updated.

We offer Suspected Unapproved Parts Training which equips maintenance staff with the knowledge to identify and handle SUPs. This training can preferably be combined with our Receiving Inspection training.

Please contact us for price information.

Electrostatic Sensitive Devices (ESDs) are highly susceptible to damage. Most commonly, damage is caused by human contact.

Our training course touches upon the following questions: What are ESDs? Why is it important to enhance awareness of these devices? How should you handle ESDs within your organisation? What can you do to prevent damages to ESDs?

We offer the following ESD training courses:

  • Initial Electrostatic Sensitive Devices
  • Recurrent Electrostatic Sensitive Devices

Please contact us for price information.

In a Part-21G production organisation, many people with difference competencies and job functions intersect every day. That is why we need to be aware of who everyone is and which job everyone is assigned to perform.

Our Production Organisation Training touches upon the different job functions, areas of responsibility, and the interaction with Design Organisations and Part-145 Maintenance Organisations.

We offer initial and recurrent training for Production Organisations, introducing different job functions in a Part-21G environment as well as specific Work Instructions (WI) that different jobs are responsible for.

Please contact us for information about content and price.

Aircraft technicians have many different jobs to complete when performing maintenance. One of them is working on detached aircraft components. For this job, a certain knowledge of component maintenance is required to identify the tasks that must be performed for a given component. Everything must be done according to regulations.

Our Component Maintenance courses are aimed at Component Certifying Staff not qualified in accordance with Annex III. Our training also applies where the qualifications are determined by company procedures and under the approval of the local Competent Authority.

The training is based on EASA Part-66 Module 10 and is conducted in compliance with the requirements of Basic Regulation 1321/2014 (amended) Articles 5, (6) (ii), IR 145.A.30 (i), IR 66 Appendix I, and the Danish Transport, Building and Housing Authority.

However, the content and duration vary depending on the type of components. The training will be tailored to fit your needs. We offer training which covers both the initial staff training standard and the specific component maintenance requirements.

Please contact us for more information regarding content, duration, and price.

Part-147 Type Training

Type Training of mechanics is crucial to ensuring a competent workforce and flight safety in all phases of flight. We can provide the following Part-147 Type Training courses which cover the training requirements mandated by EASA.

Our courses comply with EASA Part-66 Appendix III regulatory requirements for theoretical and practical training needed to obtain the AML type endorsements as a licensed B1, B2, and Cat. C mechanic.

The course comprises knowledge and practical training which ensures that you as maintenance staff gain the required competence to perform safe maintenance, inspections, and routine work according to the maintenance manual and other relevant instructions for the Airbus Helicopter. Our Type Training course incorporates EC155 B and EC155 B1.

We offer Part-147 Approved Type Training courses for Airbus Helicopters for the following endorsement:

  • B2 Type Training for Eurocopter Ec155 (Turbomeca Arriel 2)

Please contact us for price information.

A well-trained technician is crucial to ensuring technical safety records and cost-effective maintenance inputs. This applies to the daily work of scheduled maintenance as well as troubleshooting and unforeseen repairs.

Our Type Training course incorporates the following models:

  • PC-12
  • PC-12/45
  • PC-12/47
  • PC-12/47E

We offer Part-147 Approved Pilatus PC-12 (PWC PT6) Type Training for the following endorsements:

  • B1.1
  • B2

We can also combine B1 and B2 Type Training into one training course - if applicable.

Please contact us for price information.

Download additional course information for B1 here.

Download additional course information for B2 here.

We offer the only Part-147 Approved Type Training course for Fairchild SA226/227 in the world.

Our Type Training includes the following models:

  • SA226-AT
  • SA226-T
  • SA226-T(B)
  • SA226-TC
  • SA227-AC
  • SA227-BC
  • SA227-AT
  • SA227-CC
  • SA227-DC
  • SA227-TT

We offer training for the Fairchild SA226 Series (Honeywell TPE331) and Fairchild SA227 Series (Honeywell TPE331) for the following endorsement:

  • B1
  • B2
  • Cat. C

Please contact us for more information.


Operational training is crucial to ensuring a safe aviation industry. When we ask ground staff to participate in operational training, we give them a hands-on learning experience which develops, improves, or maintains existing skills and knowledge used in the operational environment. In other words, we make sure that they can actually think and act according to operational standards.

Our operational training covers a variety of topics in compliance with EASA and FAA regulations. Most importantly, the training connects theory with practice to enhance flight safety, train non-technical skills, and limit the risk of human errors.

Did you know that Dangerous Goods (DGR) training is required for all operators – regardless of approval to transport them as cargo?

As of 2023, training in dangerous goods is based on CBTA - Competency-Based Training & Assessment.

We provide CBTA Dangerous Goods training (approved by the Danish Civil Aviation and Railway Authorities) for flight and cabin crew members.

The training includes the required assessment of competencies.

We offer DGR training courses for:

  • Initial Dangerous Goods Training
  • Recurrent Dangerous Goods Training

Please note that the courses comply with IATA DGR 1.5 and Appendix H.

Please contact us for price information.

All ground staff or operators have experienced fatigue at some point. Being tired or exhausted may seem insignificant in the moment. But in aviation, fatigue can lead to fatal human errors.

We offer the following FRS courses aimed at ground staff:

  • Initial Fatigue Risk Management Training
  • Recurrent Fatigue Risk Management Training

Ref: AMC1 ORO.FTL.250

Please contact us for price information.

It is important to follow safety and security standards when monitoring delays, arranging logistics, or writing flight plans. But the job of a Flight Dispatcher also includes reporting of safety issues and hazards. If a breach of security goes unreported, it can turn fatal. But safety in the operational environment cannot be boiled down to a multiple-choice questionnaire.

Our Flight Dispatcher Training introduces all the components that must work together to ensure a safe operational environment. You will learn about everything from aircraft general knowledge, cost-index, fuel savings, and operational procedures to human factors, dangerous goods, and fatigue risk management.

This includes:

  • Air Law
  • Aircraft General Knowledge
  • Aerodynamics
  • Aircraft Performance
  • Meteorology
  • Navigation
  • Operational Procedures
  • Flight Planning & Monitoring
  • Human Factors - Dispatcher Resource Management
  • Dangerous Goods
  • Fatigue Risk Management

Please note that the training programme can be tailored to meet the needs of your organisation.

We offer the following Flight Dispatcher training:

  • Initial Flight Dispatcher (10 days)
  • Recurrent Flight Dispatcher (3 days)

Please contact us for price information.

We offer the following operational training courses aimed at ground staff:

  • Performance Based Navigation
  • ETOPS Course
  • RVSM Course
  • MNPS Course
  • Cost Index & Fuel Saving
  • Flight Planning

Please contact us for more information regarding content, duration, and price.

Instructor Training

Good aviation training reflects the competencies of the instructor. That is why our instructor training follows the principles of Competency-Based Training and Assessment (CBTA). This approach ensures that you as a training manager or instructor will be equipped to handle the task of ensuring that your students display competence and skills which ensure a safe and efficient operational environment. Our courses are aimed at instructors who conduct training for both flight crew, cabin crew, maintenance, and ground operations staff.

Trainers who fall into these categories could be CRM trainers, line trainers, simulator instructors, and ground instructors.

In 2021, EASA introduced compulsory assessment of the knowledge, skills, and attitude displayed by pilot students during initial training at the Approved Training Organisations (ATOs). The term is 100-KSA and defines the non-technical competencies which aviation professionals are measured on and assessed against.

We offer the following assessment courses which prepare ATPL Ground Instructors to assess knowledge, skills, and attitude according to required standards:

  • KSA Student Formative Assessment
  • AREA 100-KSA Student Course (3 days)

Please contact us for more information regarding content, duration, and price.

Every trainer must possess the necessary skills, knowledge, and credibility to provide valuable training within the fields of CRM and Human Factors.

Our approach to instructor training is simple: We combine theory with practice.

As an EASA certified instructor, you must be able to demonstrate valuable skills, particularly the integration of CRM and human factors into the operation.

After completing the CRM Trainer Course, you can demonstrate the ability to:

  • interact and manage groups, pre-plan an objective and timely training sessions
  • deliver a good balance between 'telling', 'selling', and 'facilitating' - and to connect realistically poor and good CRM to the operations
  • effectively assess the performance by observing, recording, interpreting, and debriefing

Ref: AMC2 ORO.FC.146

For CRM Refresher Training, we touch upon the following themes and principles:

  • Group facilitation skills including team dynamics, moderation skills, and use of questions
  • Course preparation, defining objectives, and selecting methods to best convey knowledge such as lecture, group work, case analysis, gamification, scenario-based training, and individual research.
  • Safety culture and management systems
  • Examples of analyses of CRM factors in previous accidents and serious incidents
  • New developments of research in human factors and CRM
  • Threat and Error Management principles and their practical implementation into daily operations.

Please contact us for more information.

Development of skills in Crew Resource Management (CRM) is becoming increasingly important to ensure flight safety and enhance non-technical skills. Therefore, it is vital that you as a CRM instructor master the discipline of assessment. This process includes observing, recording, interpreting, and debriefing participants on their performance and the coherence between Knowledge, Skills, and Attitude (KSA) in the operational environment. 

We offer training courses in CRM Assessment for instructors.

Our training complies with EASA Part ORO.FC.115, AMC1 ORO.FC.115(h), and GM6 ORO.FC.115.

Please contact us for more information regarding content, duration, and price.

We also offer Instructor Training within the following areas:

  • Safety Training Including Human Factors
  • Ground Instructors
  • Instructor Facilitation Training
  • Instructor Standardization
  • Line Trainers & Supervision Personnel

Please contact us for price information - and further details for the individual training areas.

Did you know?

...That many of our courses can be combined into one training solution which fits your training needs. You are always welcome to contact us for a special offer or tailored training solution.

All courses can be delivered on-site at your location – or be arranged at our training facilities in Billund, Denmark.

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