interactive aviation training human factors active learning

Simple Simulations of Complex
Situations: The Power of Interactive
Aviation Training

Training is a mandatory requirement in the aviation industry. But training does not necessarily have to conjure up sleepless nights, sweaty palms, or a waste-of-time mentality. In fact, taking an interactive approach to aviation training leads to more engaged participants and a better learning outcome.

Dear Sir/Madam, it is time for this year’s Human Factors training, and you have been summoned. Please reserve the following date for our online training course.

Many aviation professionals have received similar invitations for their training. Often, the training is conducted as online courses with a multiple-choice questionnaire to sum up the learning. In other words, there is nothing remotely memorable about this form of training.

Instead, the aviation industry could gain tremendous value from employing a different approach to training. We refer to this as interactive training – or Active Learning.

Hands On and Skills Up

But what is interactive training?

The interactive aspect refers to training courses which actively engage the participants in the learning process by employing hands-on activities such as realistic simulations, case studies, group discussions, and the like.

The purpose of interactive training is to create a dynamic, motivating, and immersive learning environment which reflects the complex situations that play out in the operational environment. This approach enables pilots, cabin crew members, and maintenance staff to actively practice, enhance, and apply their non-technical skills in a controlled and safe setting.

Active Learning urges the participants to discuss, communicate, work together and make decisions as a team. Skills which are crucial to master in the operational environment.

All of that is great… But what is the value of this form of training really?

We are glad you asked! In fact, there are several benefits of interactive aviation training. This includes: 

  • Increased engagement 
  • Improved skills in teamwork and communication 
  • Better retention of knowledge 

These benefits are particularly important in terms of human factors training, as an interactive approach allows participants to share knowledge, and to experience and learn the consequences of stress, fatigue, and complacency in a safe environment. Where mistakes do not turn fatal. 

Essentially, there is a proactive element to interactive training, since the realistic and risk-free environment contributes to a more resilient industry where safety is not only a requirement, but also a mindset. 

Read more: Active Learning is Crucial in Aviation 

Safety Check: Knowledge, Skills, and Attitude

We believe in an interactive approach to training, and our ambition is to spread this belief in our beloved industry. Because it contributes to a safer operational environment.

Furthermore, interactive aviation training is an evident method to enhance knowledge, practice skills, and change attitudes. Below, you will find 8 key advantages to implementing an interactive training approach in your organisation:

  1. Participants engage in realistic simulations which mirror the complex situations they face in their daily jobs, making the training relevant and hands-on.

  2. Interactive training promotes active engagement, participation, and involvement, increasing the likelihood of remembering and applying the new knowledge and skills in real life.

  3. Another benefit is that interactive training facilitates the development and reinforcement of non-technical skills such as effective teamwork, collaboration, and communication as well as decision-making and situational awareness.

  4. When training utilises simulations and interactive exercises, the learning environment becomes risk-free, meaning that participants can “safely” make mistakes and learn from them – and later apply their learnings in the operational environment which is very much subject to stressful conditions.

  5. When your organisation implements interactive training methods, you have a unique opportunity to tailor the training to fit your learning needs and obstacles. This enables you to pay closer attention to areas which require improvement.

  6. We are modern slaves of technology, and the time has come for the aviation industry to embrace interactive training in a digital form. Advanced computer-based training tools for classroom training facilitate this demand. Just take a look at our MAYDAY Active Learning Tools for Human Factors Training and Crew Resource Management Training.

  7. It is well-documented that interactive training makes the learning experience more enjoyable and engaging. This can influence general satisfaction and motivation with the job as well as increase overall performance in terms of safety and efficiency.

  8. Finally, interactive training can contribute to a stronger safety culture where strong teamwork, communication, and decision-making skills reduce the likelihood and severity of errors – while promoting a just safety culture. 

Read more: Active Learning: The Training Standard of the Future 

Aside from being a universal distress signal, MAYDAY is the name of a series of interactive digital tools which facilitate the development and enhancement of non-technical skills.

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